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Vision & Mission

Micah 6:8

A Passion for God - We want our passion for God to come out of a deep, loving relationship – an intentional walk “with” Him that is vibrant, passionate, intimate, joyful – a journey with Him that is characterized by vitality, not complacency; with power, not timidity. (Matthew 22:37-38)

A Heart for People - We want our “heart for people” to come out of our “passion for God”. We want our life “for” God (what we do for Him) to come out of our walk “with” Him (who we are in Him). Out of a deep rooted love for Him and an open heart toward others, we want to actively serve with joy, engaging our church family, our community and our world with the servant heart of Christ himself. (Matthew 22:39)

At every age, we will express a passion for God and a heart for people by being:

  • Transformed in Christ ……… (Discipleship component) – We commit to pursuing an intentional, growing relationship with Christ, one leading to transformation in both character and conduct. (II Corinthians 5:17)

  • Empowered by Christ ………  (Equipping component) – God-reliant and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit to being equipped, so that we might serve others with our Spiritual Giftedness, Skills, Personality, Passions, and Resources. (II Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 13:20-21)

  • Missional like Christ ………… (Evangelism component) – We commit to joining with God in bringing Jesus and His Good News into the local & global community. (Matthew 28:18-20

  • Unleashed for Christ………..  (Action component) We commit to seeing ourselves as both a Minister (serving, encouraging and discipling one another within the church family) and a Missionary (living a missional life in the community where we live, work & play). (Eph. 4:15)

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