Gifts for the Children of the Food Pantry
Mission Christmas
Let’s go all out and fulfil the Christmas wishes of the children who we help through the Food Pantry – a pair of skates, two jackets and a doll, a toy truck, and a skateboard! Your gift will help Brampton families in need. Click the links below to be directed to the Christmas gift wish lists.
Please bring the unwrapped gifts to the church no later than Sunday, December 15.
We ask that you spend no more than $40 per child to allow for each child to receive the same value in their gifts as many of the families have multiple children registered.
The ticket numbers represent the family (i.e. child #5-3, is family #5, child #3), please be sure to print your ticket and return it with your gift so our elves know which gift goes to which child.
CONGRATULATIONS! All kids have been sponsored for this year!